Explore the Blog


Our Single Most Important Business Investment


Big News: We Bought an Airstream and Are Gonna Chase Some Pavement

Brand Strategy

Say Hello to the All-New Ceramix Brand and Website

behind the SCenes

Behind the Scenes of our Studio Renovation


How to Create a 7 Figure Vision with the Utmost Peace

Our upgraded Masterclass, Creating your 7 Figure Vision, is coming to life. Find out the same signature system we teach our clients to help them ignite their vision while keeping mental health first. And in our very own exclusive app for the most world-class experience.

meet the founder

Hello, I'm Nastasya Rose

A visionary with a caring approach and lots of heart, currently
based in New Jersey.

Ever since seeing what celebrities face behind closed doors, I knew there was a different and unique level service was needed. They needed someone who understood them... well enough to keep moving forward. This was the same common trend with entrepreneurs. This was when VIVE™ came to life.

What we do

Consulting & Clinical

Exclusive Services

igniting your vision

designed to aid in

with mental health first

Get on the List for

This Really Great Thing

We're finally launching our exclusive newsletter, Ignite the Vision, in honor of hitting the 7-figure mark. Stay in touch here for this exclusive release.